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Honors College

Honors CUSTOMS Information

CUSTOMS is the Middle Tennessee State University new student orientation program. CUSTOMS helps new undergraduate students transition into the university, prepares new students for MTSU’s educational opportunities, and initiates the integration of new students into the institution’s intellectual, cultural, and social climate. All new students must complete this orientation to register for classes.

Information on how to register for CUSTOMS can be found on the main CUSTOMS page.

Information for new Honors students can be found by viewing our videos, reading the Frequently Asked Questions, and reviewing the list of classes for the upcoming semester. If you have further questions, please get in touch with one of our Honors advisors.

Honors advising is not required during CUSTOMS. Honors advisors cannot clear you for registration.

Freshman In-Person CUSTOMS Sessions
The Honors College will provide walk-in advising for Freshmen CUSTOMS from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come to HONR 227, 228, or 229 to meet with an advisor.

Email if you have additional questions or would like to schedule an individual honors advising appointment for another date. 

Honors advising is not required during Transfer CUSTOMS. Please note that Honors advisors cannot clear you for registration.

In Person Transfer CUSTOMS: 
The Honors College will provide walk-in advising for in-person Transfer CUSTOMS from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come to HONR 228 or 229 to meet with an advisor.

Virtual Transfer CUSTOMS: 

The Honors College will provide CUSTOMS advising by appointment for virtual CUSTOMS dates. Please follow the steps below to schedule your advising appointment.

  • For Transfer advising, click the link below and select CUSTOMS Honors Transfer Students as the advising service. Then, choose a day and time for your appointment. You can meet with an advisor in person or through Zoom. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link (if applicable) to use at your appointment time.

*Log in with your Pipeline username and password. Email if you have questions or problems making an appointment.

Email if you have additional questions or would like to schedule an individual honors advising appointment on a different date. 

Contact Us

Honors College
Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building
Campus Box 267
1737 Blue Raider Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Main Office: HONR Room 205 (Dean’s Suite)

Main Office Phone: 615-898-2152