Honors College
Internships for Honors Credit
In Fall 2017, the Honors Council approved the use of up to six hours of Internship credit towards the Honors Graduation or the Honors Associate requirements.
Substitution Criteria:
- Internships must count for college credit and show on an official MTSU transcript in order to substitute for Honors graduation requirements.
- A maximum of six (6) hours can substitute for Honors graduation requirements.
- A request to substitute internship credit for Honors requirements (form link below) must be submitted by the deadlines listed below.
- Include a description of the internship duties on the form. Additional documentation may be requested before final approval is granted. Please be advised that Honors credit will only be awarded for internships that involve significant learning experiences, independent projects, or leadership opportunities.
- Once final grades are available on the official MTSU transcript, the credits will be evaluated by an honors advisor to determine if the earned credits will substitute for lower or upper division Honors requirements. With approval, credit for upper division internship courses may substitute for lower division Honors requirements and/or for the Interdisciplinary Seminar requirement. Please note that these courses will not have an Honors attribute listed on the official MTSU transcript but will be counted in the Honors graduation audit.
- Fall: September 30
- Spring: February 28
- Summer: June 15
Access the Internship Substition form on the Honors Forms website.
Contact Us
Honors College
Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building
Campus Box 267
1737 Blue Raider Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Main Office: HONR Room 205 (Dean’s Suite)
Main Office Phone: 615-898-2152
Email: uhc@mtsu.edu